Walls Worth Raising – #BuildforUnity shows that raising walls can also bring people together.

On December 17th volunteers from across the community came together for a powerful example of how raising walls can bring people together to change hearts, minds, and lives.

As a Muslim Imam and an Episcopalian Reverend prayed side by side among a sea of volunteers representing the 180 faith organizations from the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, and Buddhist communities who came together to raise the $176,000 needed to make the #BuildforUnity project possible, one thing was evidently clear – great things can happen when you work together.

“These are walls worth raising.” said Imam Kamran of the Tarbiya Institute who gave a powerful speech about what can happen when you raise walls to bring people together, rather than tear them apart.

Liudmyla Maksymchuk, the future homeowner of one of the two #BuildforUnity homes broke down in tears at the site of so many people coming to help raise the walls on her family’s new home.

“It has always been my dream to own a home,” said Liudmyla, “and today that dream is starting to happen.”

Habitat CEO Rob Kerth was among many of the Habitat staff and volunteer representatives helping make that dream come true and raise walls, though he took a quick break to walk Liudmyla’s daughter, 5-year-old Jasmine, around to see the framed walls of her family’s future home.

Said Rob, “Today we’re building a future for families by raising these walls.  A future that will last for generations to come.  Jasmine may be too young to remember today, but her parents will always remember the time when so many different people came together to change their lives.”


For photos of the #BuildforUnity wall raising, click HERE

For news coverage of the event, visit http://www.abc10.com/features/homes-donated-to-families-in-need/375208044 

To hear more about the Build for Unity project or sign-up for our #BuildforUnity newsletter, visit www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/BuildforUnity 


Group Photo


