Volunteers Needed to Help Rock the Block!

2 days, 400+ volunteers, 23 home repairs and 3 community projects. This is just a glimpse into the upcoming hopes and expectations for our 2019 Rock the Block event. Rock the Block, which is our biggest two day blitz-build event, will be taking place on September 6th & 7th and needs lots of helping hands!

About Rock the Block

Rock the Block originally came as a two day blitz-build last year in October. With this event, we were lucky enough to have 250 volunteers and over 50 partners in South Oak Park that helped to repair 17 homes. Some of these repair services included external paint, yard clean up, landscaping, and fencing, all of which were working to make homeowners dreams come true. Not only did it help the proprietors but this event also aided to bring numerous people, groups, and organizations together to build memories as well as repair homes. This event left a lasting impression on us, showing us how much we all can get done when we all put a helping hand forward even in such a short time frame.

As the event gets closer, we are shooting for the stars and aiming even higher than before! At our 2019 Rock the Block our goal to repair 23 homes in the Fruitridge Community thanks to support from our presenting sponsor Wells Fargo with additional support from County District 1 Phil Serna, CapCon, DPR Construction, and dozens of community sponsors.

How You Can Help

As the event is approaching there is just one thing we are missing: You! There are numerous volunteer opportunities available including site hosts, general volunteer site builders, and home base. For more information or to sign up for the event, please visit HabitatGreaterSac.org/Individual-Volunteer-Opportunities

Contact Our Local Team about Volunteering for Rock the Block!

Montana Greeno, Volunteer Coordinator
819 North 10th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811

Phone: (916) 440-1215 ext: 1105

Email: volunteers@habitatgreatersac.org

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday from 9 am – 5 pm
