City of Rancho Cordova contributes funding for home repair and brings relief to those in need.

What can be done when you need repairs done but don’t have the funds or time to do them? This is what Robert and Lola found themselves asking when seeing the help their house needed.

Robert and Lola Crawford (age 82 and age 78, respectively), who prefer to be called “Bob and Kaye” have lived in their Rancho Cordova home for 4 years. However, the couple would enjoy fairly adventurous lifestyles before putting down roots in their quaint Rancho Cordova neighborhood. In 1958, Bob Crawford began his military service as an SP/5 Radar specialist for military aircrafts, a position that allowed him to experience the diverse geographic landscapes of places like Germany and the Samoan Islands. Although his military career ended in the 1961, Bob continued working in the aviation industry by working on military-style aircrafts at Hughes Aircraft Company. Likewise, Kaye was raised in a military family and was afforded the same opportunity to visit an array of places across the globe. Later on in her life, Kaye would have the opportunity to find work in Washington D.C. alongside Hugh D. Auchincloss, an accredited lawyer and stockbroker who also happened to be the stepfather of the late former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Although Kaye diverged from this career pathway, she found life fulfillment in not only her love for family but also her passion for human equality advocacy and activism.


Today, Bob and Kaye boast a household family of between four to eight, which includes her disabled son Michael, grandson Jadon, as well as several homeless youths who they have taken in. However, the family has found hardship in maintaining the integrity of their Rancho Cordova residence. Kaye’s husband Bob lives with dementia and Michael suffers from chronic back pain and a traumatic brain injury, Kaye has found it difficult to find the time and funds to carry out the needed improvements to the family’s home, even with her two part-time jobs.


This is where Habitat comes in. After evaluating the home, it was determined that the Crawford family would need extensive repairs and replacements to the backyard fencing, sliding glass door, bathroom sink, shower, and toilet that would prove to be more energy efficient and overall instill a sense of security within the household. Thanks to funding from the city of Rancho Cordova’s Community Enhancement Funds, Habitat had the support to make these changes a reality.

On January 22nd, 2020 Habitat Site Supervisor Brian Bushta came out with his positive energy, tools, and got to work with the volunteers to make the changes needed in the house. There were many smiles, tears, and such gratitude throughout the process. The project wrapped after about 2 weeks on February 1st 2020.


Said Kaye about the experience, “…I was thrilled and grateful to learn that the City of Rancho Cordova contributed funding to Habitat towards some of the cost of our home repair project….Habitat’s crew came out as scheduled and the entire project was completed in a prompt and timely manner. The Crew Boss’ tolerance with the inexperienced volunteers was an incredible experience to witness….I can’t thank [Habitat], Brian and all the volunteers enough …”


This project was the first of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s home repair projects in partnership with the City of Rancho Cordova through the 2019-2020 Community Enhancement Funds Neighborhood Revitalization Partnership.  To learn more about Habitat Greater Sacramento’s home repair program and how to qualify, visit

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