Habitat for Humanity accepting applications for unique 0% interest, no down payment affordable homebuying program

Live virtual homebuyer orientation at 6pm on Monday, April 25th. Applications will be available for download and accepted April 26th -May 28th, 2022.

As Sacramento continues to be one of the least affordable places in the country to live and home prices and rents continue to rise, many working families are being squeezed out of access to safe, decent housing. But Habitat for Humanity wants working families to know that they may qualify to build and purchase a home through Habitat’s unique affordable homeownership program which offers a 30-year, fixed rate mortgage at 0% interest and with no down payment (closing costs only upon purchase). To qualify, homebuyers must have the ability to pay a mortgage, have a willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity to build their home, demonstrate a need for improved housing, and currently reside in Sacramento or Yolo County.

The nonprofit affordable homebuilder will be hosting a live virtual homebuyer orientation at 6pm on Monday, April 25th and will begin accepting applications between April 26th until 4pm on May 28th, 2022. For interested applicants unable to attend the live homebuyer orientation on April 25th, a recording will available on Habitat’s website page www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/apply following the live event.

Some of the homes currently available for purchase include homes on the all-electric, EV ready future Cornerstone Development (located in South Sacramento off of 44th Street). Infrastructure on this project is already underway and above ground construction will begin in August.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition reported Thursday that more than 78,000 low-income families in Sacramento need an affordable home. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento is seeking support with spreading the word about this affordable homeownership opportunity to all working families in the region who would benefit from the opportunity to own an affordable home and build equity for their family through ownership.

Those interested in learning if they may qualify, where the homes are located, and how to apply are encouraged to visit www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/apply. Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a virtual orientation on April 25th, after which homebuyers may complete a full in-depth application.

Find out more at www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/apply

Share the flyer -> Habitat-for-Humanity-Homeownership-Flyer..pdf (habitatgreatersac.org)

