#BuildforUnity Project – 72% funded with 2 months to go!

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s massive interfaith project is set to begin construction this fall.  The project is currently 72% funded for the two homes with $56,372 left to raise.

The project has already received over 104 donations totaling over $128,635 to build the two homes.  These donations have come from a variety of faiths and backgrounds including Lutherans, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, nondenominationals, and nonbelievers alike. Visit https://fundly.com/build-for-unity for the full list of contributors to the project.

The project, aimed to make a statement against division and fear based on background and beliefs, is aimed to bring people together from a variety of backgrounds under the #BuildforUnity movement to not only build two Habitat homes side by side, but also to showcase what can be accomplished when people put aside their differences and work together towards a positive goal for their fellow man and community.

In addition to raising funds for and building the homes, Build for Unity faith partners also have the opportunity to showcase their traditions and build interfaith relationships through monthly events.  These events have included everything from a Muslim Iftar Ramadan Dinner, an “Eat for Unity” event at the Sikh temple, and an upcoming Dessert Havdalah event at the local Jewish synagogue on September 17th.  The events are open to all and give individuals from various faiths the opportunity to experience a faith outside their own and recognize that we are not so different after all.

For more information on the Build for Unity project or to contribute, visit www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/BuildforUnity

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