#BuildforUnity Project – 85% funded with 1 month to go! Help Us Close the Gap!

7 months ago, on a rainy evening in a meeting hall downtown, a group of faith leaders from the local community gathered to pledge their support of #BuildForUnity, a monumental interfaith project by Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento. Together, these leaders committed to funding the construction of 2 Habitat homes, built side by side as a symbolic stance for unity in the Sacramento community.

Since that night, the project has received over 111 donations totaling over $149,895. These donations have come from a variety of faiths and backgrounds including Lutherans, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, nondenominationals, and nonbelievers alike. With only $26,104 left to raise and 1 month before construction, we’re closer than ever to making this vision a reality.

In the words of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento CEO, Rob Kerth, “Right now in this country, we hear a lot of people talking about differences and separating communities into us and them. But you know, I have never met a person who enjoyed living in an apartment that leaked or had holes in the floor. Decent housing is one of our most basic needs and it reminds us that regardless of our religion, race or background — we’re not so different after all. We hope that this project will be a tangible example of the tremendous good that can come when we work together in unity.”

With only 1 month before constructions starts, we need YOUR help to close the gap on the $26,104 needed to start building hope, homes and unity. Click HERE to donate today!

Then, sign-up for the Build for Unity Newsletter to receive updates on how your gift is making a difference and be notified when volunteer opportunities are available (Priority scheduling for volunteering will be given to #BuildForUnity donors through a direct email to be sent next month. All other interested volunteers are encouraged to visit our website and sign up for general construction opportunities which may or may not include work on the #BuildForUnity homes.)

Together, we can set make a statement against division and fear based on background and beliefs. Together, we can #BuildForUnity.
