Help us build a home for the Kapakly Family!

Construction has halted on the Kapakly family’s future home on 2600 Cheryl Way until an additional $55,000 in seed money is raised.  The family of 5 is currently living in substandard and overcrowded conditions.


About the Family: Natalie and Vasiliy Kapakly have two children – Vitaliy who is 18 and Dharina who is 11. Natalie works several part time jobs in the healthcare industry and Vasiliy is a former owner of an auto-repair shop . (2 years ago, Vasiliy was forced to close his shop after he was severely hit and injured in a car accident. He is still in recovery.)
The four of them, along with Natalie’s mother Olena, share a 2-bedroom apartment. Their son Vasiliy who is in college, sleeps in the living room. In addition to being severely over-crowded, their apartment also suffers from rats. The family has been working hard putting in their required 500 hours of sweat equity to build their home and was overjoyed to receive their home assignment for Cheryl Way.

Says Natalie, “I am amazed by all these people [who are helping us]. At first I couldn’t understand it, but now I think I’m getting it…I believe you do unto others what you would like others to you. I strongly believe that is the rule of life.”  

About the Project: 


2600 Cheryl Way is a 2-story, 4-bedroom new home construction project for the Kapakly family in South Sacramento.
The home will be energy start-certified and built to the highest level of green building for added sustainability for the family. Some of the features will include solar panels, raised gardens, and drought tolerant landscaping.

Once the additional sponsorship dollars are raised, construction will take approximately 4-6 months.

Cheryl Sponsorship Packet



