Now you can easily donate stocks to the Habitat Annuity Fund!
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento recently opened our own brokerage account and created a Habitat Annuity Fund. Now, donations of stocks can be made easily, and can have even greater potential impact. Please consider joining other like-minded philanthropic individuals by making a donation of stocks or cash and investing in Habitat’s long term financial security.
- At Habitat of Greater Sacramento, we believe one of the best ways to expand our capacity and achieve our mission is through long-term investment strategies and leveraging of donations.
- Any cash donations to the Fund will be invested in the top performing equities within the Annuity Fund portfolio upon receipt.
- Habitat of Greater Sacramento may decide to reinvest all or part of the Annuity Fund back into the higher performing equities within the portfolio.
- Every year on the Annuity Fund anniversary, Habitat of Greater Sacramento will sell up to 10% of the value of the portfolio. In deciding what shares to sell, we will begin by eliminating the lowest performing assets first.
- Habitat of Greater Sacramento may add all or part of the Annuity Fund amount to its operating budget.
- Habitat of Greater Sacramento will include an Annuity Fund performance report each year in our Annual Report, and send to all non-anonymous donors to the Annuity Fund portfolio.
We hope you will consider donating your stocks directly to Habitat of Greater Sacramento. This tax-savvy form of charitable giving allows for substantial savings on capital gains tax, while making an impactful contribution to the capacity building and long-term sustainability of our mission to build affordable communities and hope. It’s a win/win!
For more information or to receive a stock donation form, please contact our Chief Advancement and Marketing Officer, Kimberly Coley, at or (916) 440-1215 x1108.