About Rock the Block
Rock the Block is a remarkable two-day community impact event that brings together hundreds of volunteers and supporters to work in partnership with neighborhood residents to complete dozens of critical home repairs, property beautification, and community projects over a single weekend. Through Rock the Block, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento leverages financial donations and thousands of volunteer hours into thousands of dollars’ worth of community investment in historically underinvested neighborhoods.
Rock the Block neighborhoods have 3 qualities in common:
- Historically underserved communities with majority of residents considered “low-income” – earning under 80% of the area median income.
- Residents living under the threat of displacement. Particularly senior, BIPOGM (Black, Indigenous, People of Global Majority) – also known as “BIPOC”, disabled, and multi-generational homeowners due to deferred, high-cost home maintenance.
- Thriving neighborhood associations and community-based organizations in place.
Habitat hosts two Rock the Block events each year – a Spring event in Sacramento County and a Fall event in Yolo County. To learn more about collaboration opportunities in each of our current partner communities, Oak Park in Sacramento and Bryte/Broderick in West Sacramento, click the links below:
Rock the Block Oak Park | Rock the Block Bryte Broderick
Reach out to our team to learn more or to get involved with upcoming Rock the Block events!
Sponsorship Inquiries: Please email Kathy Severson, Senior Development Officer, at kseverson@habitatgreatersac.org
Group Volunteer Inquiries: Please email Community Engagement Manager, Kim Sin at ksin@habitatgreatersac.org
Community Project and Partnership Inquiries: Please email Darnell Dumas, Community Partnership Manager, at ddumas@habitathreatersac.org
Homeowner Services Inquiries: apply@habitatgreatersac.org