Habitat Repairs Hope and Home of Local Veteran Llew Wahl

Just in time for the Holidays, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento has repaired the roof and hope of a local Korean War Veteran.

Llew Wahl, a Korean War Army Veteran who also served eight years in the Army Reserve after active duty, was living in a home in South Sacramento that was in desperate need of a new roof.

During his time in the war, Llew received both a National Defense Medal and a Good Conduct Medal.  At 87-years old, he has suffered two strokes and a heart attack and his roof was leaking.

Through the financial and in-kind support of Owens Corning, Gudgel Yancey, SMUD, Insurance Brokers and Agents of Sacramento (IBA), and Thrivent Financial, as well as dozens of volunteers, Llew will now be able to spend Christmas with a watertight roof and renewed sense of hope.

The project began in mid-November and was completed this Saturday.  (Click here to see the story on KCRA).  Llew remembers breaking down into tears the first day of construction, so moved by the site of all the volunteers who came out to help.

On the final day of the project, Llew was moved to tears once again and proclaimed he will be “eternally grateful” to all the people who helped repair his home and remind him that there are people out there that care.

Llew’s home is Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s third completed Veteran’s repair project of 2017.


Interested in helping make more projects like this possible?  Contact Laine Himmelmann at LHimmelmann@HabitatGreaterSac.org or (916) 440-1215 ext. 1108 for information on sponsoring our Veteran’s Repair Program.


