#BuildforUnity Update: It’s time to raise walls

The foundation is set, the $176,000 in funding has been raised, and now it’s officially time to raise walls on the monumental Habitat project that has brought over 180 local faith supporters from all over the community together to build hope and unity.

On Saturday, December 17th at 9am, all are welcome to join, celebrate, and watch this very special moment in the #BuildforUnity project as various interfaith volunteer representatives come together to raise the first set of walls on the two Habitat Greater Sacramento Build for Unity homes.

The full construction of the two homes will take between 4-6 months and over 10,000 volunteer hours.  Over the next few months, the project is expected to bring together over 1,500 local volunteers representing the over 180 local faith supporters from the Muslim community and interfaith community who have rallied together to raise the funds for the special project and build it.

For more information on the wall raising event, click HERE.

The Wall Raising event will take place at 9am at 1043 Neal Road Sacramento, CA 95838.  Open to the public.

To stay up to date on more Build for Unity project news, consider signing up for our Build for Unity Newsletter or visit our website www.HabitatGreaterSac.org/BuildforUnity and check out our continually updated #BuildforUnity feed!  
